About the girl

  • Age: 23
  • Bust: 1
  • Weight: 50
  • Figure: Slender
  • 2 hours - 40 000 руб.
  • day - 120 000 руб.
Models are professionals in their field

Our models, like real actresses, are able to adjust their behavior to any type of character: they can be timid and shy ladies or jealous and ardent mistresses, the only thing that can restrain them is your fantasy.

Loyal reputation

Our escort agency is in the field of escort longer than some competitors due to the commitment to excellence.
Queenspalace's impeccable reputation is due to the fact that our models give themselves to this business with heart. For them, the comfortable moral and physical condition of the client is a law against which one cannot go.
We also invite regular guests to familiarize themselves with new VIP status escort models every week.

Strict casting

Queenspalace models undergo strict casting, in which we assess not only the physical qualities, but also the social abilities of models: the ability to behave not only in secular society, but also to be uninhibited when communicating privately with a client, as well as the ability to maintain a conversation on any topic.


Something about me
Ale, Amy, Em, Elmirochka… Any interpretation of my name can not change its royal essence. From Spanish it means "princess" and I certainly did not resist the fate that brought me to the Queens Palace where I became one of the most successful escort models. I’m harmonious and slender, like a statue of solid rubber. I am soft and tremulous, like a young kitten. I am passionate and thirsty as a true priestess of love. I am subject of desires of many discerning connoisseur of women. You can spend the evening with me in an unhurried conversation to the accompaniment of the bubbles of champagne. You may provide me to your business partners at a dinner. We can walk a windy morning on the waterfront or go to the races where the whole elite society will gather. You’ll choose by yourself. In every line I'll be harmonious and natural, because it is really my habitat. My innate sexuality is not an effort over the edge. It is not flashy. It sparkles in my eyes. You can feel it with your skin. It is flying in the air, saturating the atmosphere of erotic fluids. I'm not toned like Coke. I'm intoxicating like the best wine, getting into the blood and exciting the mind. It does not matter what happens between us. Everything remains a mystery but one thing I know for sure, electric discharge will pierce us and provoke an explosion of comets, volcanic eruption, a tectonic shift, and the seismic activity of our hearts. Are you ready?