About the girl

  • Age: 23
  • Bust: 2
  • Height: 173
  • Figure: Slim
  • day - 200 000 руб.
Models are professionals in their field

Our models, like real actresses, are able to adjust their behavior to any type of character: they can be timid and shy ladies or jealous and ardent mistresses, the only thing that can restrain them is your fantasy.

Transparency of conditions

The policy of the escort agency Queenspalace guarantees its customers transparent terms of the contract, which includes a full package of services. Our agency guarantees its client absolute decency on the part of our models during public walks.

High quality

The Queenspalace Escort Agency is a place where our guests can get professional escort services of high quality. Thanks to the responsible service of our support, guests can count on a comfortable stay in Moscow.


Something about me
As a rule, I always strive to be the best. This trait was present during my studies at school, a little later at university, and then during my work as a top model, which helped me to come first at all kinds of shows. This trait of an informal leader, in fact, makes my success in modern life possible.

This is the trait that made me become one of the best top models in a luxury escort agency for several years now.

I don’t think I need to say I can do a lot of things. So, if you're tired because of work and you need a little break, I'll be happy to help you. If necessary, we can talk about anything in the world. Then I'll light candles and give you a nice, relaxing massage in the dim light. This relaxing therapy will already significantly reduce your "stress and tension level". And a little later, of course, we will travel to the world of sweet dreams and incomparable fantasies, we will plunge into the "atmosphere of frenzies". Are you intrigued? Then come, I'm waiting for only you.