About the girl

  • Age: 20
  • Bust: 2
  • Height: 175
  • Weight: 55
  • Figure: Slender
  • day - 320 000 руб.
Models are professionals in their field

Our models, like real actresses, are able to adjust their behavior to any type of character: they can be timid and shy ladies or jealous and ardent mistresses, the only thing that can restrain them is your fantasy.

City tour

Queenspalace provides an escort in Moscow so that customers can get acquainted with the history of the city accompanied by a beautiful and erudite guide. Our models have enough knowledge to conduct a tour, as well as show elite places of rest, after a long walk around the city.

Price-quality ratio

We don't just focus on exchanging money for time. We focus on high-quality energy exchange within the framework of a mutually pleasant experience. The fee is just a gesture from our esteemed guest towards a sophisticated escort model, showing his bona fides, support and affluence. We are working hard to ensure you get exactly the quality and luxury you expect, and no less.
